Privacy Policy

Effective Date: April 01, 2024

1. Information Collection

Dx (“Company,” “we,” “us,” or “our“) collects personal information from its users (“you“) when you interact with and/ or use and/ or access or likewise our services. The types of personal information collected include, but are not limited to, your name, e-mail address, medical license number, and details provided in your queries, along with the technical information such as your IP address, device type, and usage data (“Personal Information”) to enhance Service functionality and user experience. The collection of this information is essential for the provision and improvement of Dx services, the development of new products, and communication regarding your account.

2. Use of Personal Information

We may, at our sole and exclusive discretion, use your Personal Information, without any prior intimation whatsoever, to provide and manage the Services, improve Service offerings, upgrade features of the Service, conduct research, communicate with you about our Services and events, develop new programs, ensure security, prevent fraud and misuse, and comply with the legal obligations to which we are subject to.

3. Disclosure of Information

Your Personal information will not be transferred to third parties without your explicit consent, except as necessary to provide and improve the Services as hereinbefore mentioned in stipulation no. 2 or as required by law. We may, at our sole and exclusive discretion, disclose aggregated or anonymized data pertaining to your Personal Information, which cannot identify you personally, for research and analysis purposes.

4. Information Security

We implement industry-standard security measures to protect your Personal Information; however, we acknowledge and apprise that no method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is completely secure and prone-free from any unauthorized intrusions. We encourage you to exercise caution when transmitting personal information over the Internet.

5. Security and Retention

We employ reasonable technical, administrative, and organizational measures to protect your Personal Information. Your Personal Information is retained only for as long as necessary to provide the Services, resolve disputes, and comply with our legal obligations. You are hereby apprised that we in no manner undertakes to provide security of the Personal Information in a manner which is full-proof secured from any unauthorized intrusion and/ or attack and/ or likewise. We shall in no manner be held responsible or liable or accountable or likewise, either in law or otherwise, for and/ or in relation to any damage or loss or injury or likewise caused to you and/ or your Personal Information on account of any such unauthorized intrusion and/ or attack and/ or likewise.

6. Access and Correction

You have the conditional and limited right to access, correct, or request deletion of your Personal Information held by us. To exercise the said right and to learn more about the procedure to acquire and obtain your retained Personal Information, please contact our support team at However, no request in the said regard be entertained by us in case your Personal Information has been lost or deleted or dumped or could not be retrieved by us on account of any reason whatsoever, and we held no responsibility or liability or accountability to communicate the reason thereof to you.

7. Integration of User Data with Docquity

When you create an account on Dx and subsequently use or create an account on Docquity, we synchronize and merge your personal information in real-time across both platforms. This real-time synchronization-cum-integration facilitates a seamless User service experience, allows for consistency in user profile information across both the said platforms and enables tailored service offerings to Users across both such platforms. User’s personal information is handled and managed reasonably in accordance with our concerned policies and any other laws for the time being in force applicable to such personal information and this synchronization is performed to enhance user convenience and service efficiency. Changes made to your account information on either platform will automatically get reflected over the other corresponding platform, to maintain consistency and accuracy of your profile. For more details on how we manage your data, please refer to our data management practices outlined in this policy.

8. Third-Party Links

Our services may include links to third-party websites. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for, any of the policies, terms and practices, including the privacy practices or content of these third-party websites, employed by such third-party websites. We thereby encourage you to review the policies, terms and practices, including privacy policies of any third-party sites, that you visit, access, and use.

9. Changes to Privacy Policy

We reserve the exclusive and sole right to update or modify or amend or delete or alter in any other manner this Privacy Policy at any time without giving any prior or post notice to you. Significant changes to the policy may, at our exclusive and sole discretion, be notified to you through appropriate channels, provided we have had your accurate and correct communication credentials. Continued use of the Service after such updation or modifications or amendments or alterations in any other manner constitutes your informed and acknowledged acceptance of such new updated/ amended privacy policy.

10. Contact Information

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or our treatment or use or likewise of your Personal Information, please contact us at

By utilizing the Dx services, you voluntarily acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by both the Terms and Conditions and this Privacy Policy.