Perfect fit for every healthcare professional

We have worked with hundreds of healthcare professionals across Southeast Asia to ensure Dx works well in all possible scenarios.

Medical doctors
Medical researchers
Plastic surgeons
Primary care doctors

Dx is a true game-changer!

It has significantly streamlined our processes, particularly in exploring and implementing clinical guidelines to enhance patient services. Its intuitive interface and algorithms have empowered me to make informed decisions swiftly, resulting in more personalized and effective patient care that in the end led to better patient outcomes. Dx also has been an invaluable resource for my research. Its vast database and analytical capabilities have allowed us to delve deeper into medical literature, identify relevant trends, and generate actionable insights. Thank you Dx!

Gabriella Sandranila Suryadana

Enhancing Healthcare with DxAssist

My name is Ms. Ani, a Field Nurse at a remote Puskesmas in Sumedang Regency. I have been actively using the Dx to support government health programs like Stunting, Tuberculosis, and Hypertension. This AI platform has greatly enhanced my ability to educate and assist the people of Sumedang, making my work more efficient and enjoyable. I encourage other nurses and healthcare professionals to engage with DxAssist, as it brings a fun and innovative approach to our daily tasks. I hope Dx can be expanded to other regencies in West Java and throughout Indonesia, as its benefits to healthcare delivery are truly remarkable.
Ani Kurnaesih

As a doctor, the adoption of this AI-powered tool has revolutionised clinical practice by providing immediate access to the latest disease information and management strategies from medical publications. This tool enhances real-time, evidence-based decision-making for clinicians, aiding quick updates between patient consultations.

Additionally, it’s invaluable for medical students and academicians, acting as a key resource for academic research, case report writing, and scholarly articles, thanks to its extensive medical literature database. It also benefits medical trainees by improving diagnostic accuracy and understanding of complex medical cases.

For healthcare professionals looking to elevate patient care and expand medical knowledge, it ensures we remain updated with medical advancements and supports academic pursuits.

Sheryl Soon Pik San
Medical Doctor

Perfect Handbook for Medical and Research Use

Timely, relevant and reliable innovation that is perfect for use within medical and research settings. I see it more like a pocket handbook or on-the-go hub of information ideal for medical students, doctors, and clinical academics.​
Dinya Johnson
Medical doctor/researcher

Quick AI Responses for Evidence-Based Practice

I think this is a remarkable utilization that fits well with the current hype of AI in medicine. It provides very quick responses from the most recent and reliable sources, which makes it a great tool for evidence-based practice. More work is required to improve the content to cater to practical and clinical needs, but it is definitely good for a start.

Stanley Eng
Plastic Surgery Registrar

Easy, Evidence-Based Knowledge with Clickable Citations

I have been given an opportunity to test out the trial version of this new program, Dx, from Docquity. It was easy to use. The best part is the sources are evidence-based, and it comes with citations to links that allow you to open the cited paper with a click of a button. Truly, knowledge is at our fingertips. Thank you for this opportunity. May the programme be available soon.
Chieng Xing Yee
Primary Care Doctor

AI Tool for Relevant Citations and Summaries

I think the tool is useful as it helps to pull out relevant citations and produce a summary within a short time. It is like having another ‘colleague’ to consult with! I think work is still underway for the clinical society to learn to use AI effectively and responsibly. The current practices still follow a rigidly defined SOP incorporating AI ethically, which needs to start from the educational system. If used properly, it is a powerful tool to harness to improve the quality of healthcare.
Pharmacist/ Researcher